Calcined Petroleum Coke


It is the coke obtained from petroleum coke after calcination at 1200-1500℃. Mainly used in the production of graphite electrode, carburizer, carbon paste products, carborundum, food grade phosphorus industry, metallurgical industry and calcium carbide, which is widely used graphite electrode.

According to the different sulfur content, it can be divided into high sulfur coke (sulfur content above 3%) and low sulfur coke (sulfur content below 3%). Low-sulfur coke can be used as anode paste and pre-baked anode for aluminum plants and as graphite electrodes for steel plants. Among them, high-quality low-sulfur coke (sulfur content less than 0.5%) can be used to produce graphite electrodes and carbonizing agents. Low-sulfur coke of general quality (sulfur content less than 1.5%) is often used in the production of prebaked anodes. Low quality petroleum coke is mainly used for smelting industrial silicon and producing anode paste. High-sulfur coke is commonly used as fuel in cement plants and power plants.



F.C:≥98.0-99.0% A:≤0.8% V:≤0.7% S:≤0.03-0.5% M:≤1.0%  SIZE:0mm-10mm
